Stefano Quer received a M.S. degree in Electronic Engineering from
Politecnico di Torino and a Ph.D. degree from the Ministry of University and
Scientific and Technological Research in
In 1994-1995 he has been with the Department of Electronic Engineering
and Computer Science of the
In 1998 he has been with the "Advanced Technology Group'', at
Synopsys Inc., Mountain View, California.
In 1999 he has been with the "Alpha Development Group'', at Compaq
Computer Corporation, Shrewsbury, Massachussetts, USA.
In 2000 he has been a Compaq Computer Corporation consultant.
He was Assistant Professor with the “Automatica ed Informatica'”
Department of Politecnico di Torino,
From 1992 he has been assistant to computer engineering courses, in
charge of computer engineering course, seminars, and mentor for
distance-teaching courses in computer engineering.
His research interests include systems and tools for CAD for VLSI,
simulation and testing of digital systems, hardware description languages,
reachability analysis of finite state machines, representation and manipulation
of Bolean functions with BDDs, formal verification of correctness of digital
He took part to several Italian and European projects.
He co-authored papers in refereed journals, in international refereed
conferences, and in international conferences without referees.
He served as a reviewer for international conferences and different
international journals.